Cellulite is a common skin condition that causes unsightly lumpy, dimples on thighs, hips, buttocks or abdomen. And we hate it. Even though cellulite is one of the most common skin conditions among women (90% will have a form of it at some point in their lives), it’s embarrassing, and we all wish it would disappear.
In 2021, women spent over $1.25 billion in the United States on creams and oils that promise to reduce the appearance of cellulite, yet most doctors agree that there’s no real scientific evidence that they work.
What makes treating this condition even more difficult is that its root causes aren’t totally preventable. Cellulite begins to appear when without warning, and it can affect almost anyone. Let’s dive into why cellulite is so hard to eliminate and the real solutions we offer that will do just that.
What Causes Cellulite?
Cellulite forms when pockets of fat in the body become constricted by fibrous bands of connective tissue under the skin. This tension causes the appearance of dimpling on the surface. Theoretically, if you can treat connective tissue, you can treat cellulite regardless of how many fat cells exist.
It can be present even among women who have very little excess fat. For most people, cellulite is caused by factors that can’t be controlled, regardless of size or weight, which makes it one of the most challenging cosmetic issues to correct.
Genetics and Skin Structure
For many people, cellulite is a result of genetics. If a family member before you had it, you’re more likely to have it too. That’s because your skin structure, tone and texture are also genetic. This makes cellulite unpreventable for you if you’re in this group, but it doesn’t really have a bearing on when or where it appears on your body.
Age and Hormones
The ages of 25 to 35 are when you start seeing the appearance of cellulite. During the aging process, the skin naturally thins, and that’s when you begin to see the connective tissue underneath. A formerly smooth appearance starts to seem ripply and bumpy. Low estrogen concentration, especially during menopause, is responsible for vascular issues that directly affect the development of cellulite.
While you can’t prevent cellulite, you can slow its progress if you avoid regularly eating:
- Preservatives
- Dressing, Sauces, And Spreads
- Processed Meats And Cheese
- Fast and Fried Foods
- Sugary foods
It’s also good to note that alcohol constricts the vascular system, amplifying the appearance of existing cellulite. Drink moderately and hydrate right after imbibing. Dehydration causes thinner, weaker skin – and when skin weakens, it tends to show cellulite. Drink more water for healthier skin and body overall.
Let’s Bust Three Common Cellulite Myths
1. Cellulite only happens because you’re out of shape.
Not true! Cellulite is a skin condition. Exercise strengthens your muscles and may help you with a more toned appearance, but it doesn’t fix the underlying issues in your skin that create dimples. Cellulite can affect anyone at any level of fitness.
2. Drinking caffeine and bubbly drinks make cellulite worse.
Nope! Many creams and cellulite cures contain caffeine. While most of them don’t eradicate the bumps, they don’t compound the situation. Although, ingesting caffeine and bubbles (depending on what’s in them) may dehydrate your skin, which is an issue for smoother skin.
3. You’re stuck once you have cellulite and can never get rid of it.
No, again! While cellulite is not a preventable condition and there is a lack of effective options, there are two ways we can successfully reduce yours in our office.
So now you’re wondering what your options are for reducing cellulite. Admittedly, it’s challenging to get rid of and it doesn’t always respond well to a change in your lifestyle. Plus, there’s no scientific proof that creams or topical solutions work independently. Is there anything else you can do?
What About Diet and Exercise?
A natural approach to fighting cellulite might include adjustments to your diet, such as drinking more water for hydration and consuming fibrous fruits and vegetables. Balancing nutrient intake with protein can keep your skin and collagen production healthy and may lead to smoother skin. Vitamin B6, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D are crucial for healthy hormonal balance and help activate collagen production.
This is important because collagen helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and improves your skin’s elasticity. While it can make your skin smoother and plumper (in the right ways), it cannot fully reverse cellulite, and it takes a while before you see results.
Do Cosmetic Procedures Work?
For much faster results and especially on stubborn cellulite, we use two treatment options here at California Dermatology Care to smooth out your unwanted cellulite.
Our proven nonsurgical options include QWO injectables and SonixLipo body sculpting, which work better than surgical alternatives.
QWO is the first FDA-approved injectable that eradicates cellulite, especially on your bum. It works when your doctor injects the product, which includes enzymes called collagenases. Fibrous bands under your skin are broken down, releasing the tension that creates dimples, creating a smoother appearance on the skin’s surface. Eliminating the cellulite on your booty is achieved after a series of three treatments, each three weeks apart.
Learn more about QWO here.
SonixLipo Body Sculpting
SonixLipo Body Sculpting uses ultrasound technology to achieve nonsurgical body sculpting on any part of your body. On average, a one-inch circumference reduction is seen immediately after the first session by removing Localized fat deposits and cellulite. Full results are achievable with about five weekly sessions.
Learn more about SonixLipo here.
Book Your Consultation
If you’re unsure which of these procedures is the right for you or what results to expect, contact us at California Dermatology Care to discuss your options.
You can count on a superior level of care from us, starting with your consultation with Dr. Ting or one of our other board-certified doctors. Call or text us at 925-328-0255 to book your consultation. We can’t wait to see you!