liposculpturing fat reduction

While SmartLipo tumescent liposuction remains the gold standard that offers immediate and gratifying reduction of unwanted localized fat deposits, SonixLipo Body Sculpting program combining Liposonix and Vaser Shape (MedContour) non-invasive transdermal ultrasound technology can achieve significant body sculpting without surgery. Best candidates are those who are dedicated to stay active and maintain well-balanced diet.

The SonixLipoTM Body LipoSculpting Program is directed by Dr. William Ting, an experienced board-certified dermatologist with UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering training, optimizing the art and medicine of non-invasive transdermal fat removal.

Introducing Vaser Shape (MedContour) MC1, revolutionary FDA-approved medical device, based on non-invasive low frequency ultrasound cavitation technology. Vaser Shape treatment is performed by caring nursing staff under the supervision of Dr. Ting who was expertly trained at the General Project/Med Contour headquarter at Florence, Italy.

– Removes Localized Fat Deposits and Cellulite.

– On average, one inch reduction in circumference may be seen immediately after the first session

– Painless deep heat massage sensation

– Five weekly procedures

– Immediate results can be seen right after the treatment


*Patient education matters to us. The information on this page has been reviewed by the board-certified dermatologists of California Dermatology Care. If you have any questions about our procedures or treatments, please get in touch with us today.