Your skin says a lot about you. When it is taut, firm and clear of imperfections, it gives the impression that you are youthful, fresh with vitality and ready to take on the world. However, when it lacks these qualities and appears otherwise dull, worn and defined by cosmetic concerns, your skin can signify an aged image. Various aesthetic issues, such as fine lines and sunspots, can arise for a number of reasons. Collagen starts to decline with age, which affects your skin’s structural integrity. Meanwhile, the forces of gravity tug and pull downward, gradually making the tissues sag. Harmful toxins that linger in the air can also take a toll. 

Thankfully, there are numerous treatment options available to help you turn back the clock on aging and alleviate these common problems, giving you a more vibrant and youthful appearance. One of the more advanced solutions is the Subnovii Plasma Pen, a revolutionary cosmetic technology that has a lasting effect on the skin’s cellular level.

Subnovii Plasma Pen is the first plasma pen on the market that utilizes low-frequency energy to tighten the skin. Residents of San Ramon, Hercules, Pleasanton or Livermore, CA, struggling with cosmetic imperfections in their skin are encouraged to contact California Dermatology Care to schedule a Subnovii Plasma Pen consultation. Call us today at 925-328-0255 or visit our contact page to learn more about this reviving treatment. 


The Subnovii Plasma Pen is a device that harnesses the power of plasma to rejuvenate your appearance. Plasma energy is unique in that it affects the molecular level of your skin, creating a firmer, tighter and more youthful appearance without invasive surgery. The Subnovii device uses low-frequency technology to deliver plasma deep into the skin, treating lines, wrinkles and sagging that occur around the face and neck.

Subnovii Plasma Pen is safe and effective. The treatment features an internal control system that makes certain the precise level of energy is being administered to your skin. Additionally, the device’s size allows it to treat even delicate areas, such as near the mouth or eyes. 


The Subnovii Plasma Pen is an advanced anti-aging device, but it does not touch your skin during treatment. Instead, it takes advantage of oxygen and nitrogen in the air to create plasma, the fourth form of matter. This plasma is different from the plasma found in your blood — it is an ionized gas consisting of atoms that have lost one or more electrons, giving it a positive electric charge. Much like water is converted into steam with sufficient heat, gases turn into plasma when enough energy is added.

When the Subnovii Plasma Pen is used, it emits energy that ionizes the nitrogen and oxygen particles present in the air and near your skin’s surface. This produces an arc of plasma energy that is discharged into your skin, penetrating and lightly ablating the treated area. The result is an immediate tightening effect and the creation of sealed micro-injuries, which trigger a heat-shock reaction in the underlying tissues. In response, your body activates the natural healing process in cells known as fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts are the cells responsible for providing the structural framework of your skin and creating the collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid that keep it smooth and supple. Although they wear with age, the Subnovii device effectively causes these fibroblasts to go into overdrive, significantly increasing the production of the components needed to maintain a youthful appearance. This effect lasts for months after treatment, making plasma technology an optimal choice for reversing or repairing the signs of aging and giving you noticeably smoother, tighter and firmer-looking skin that continues to improve over time.


Subnovii Plasma Pen is a rejuvenating treatment that has many benefits compared to other cosmetic procedures, including:

  • Tightens, firms and rejuvenates the skin
  • Precise, targeted treatments
  • Customizable because of its range of intensity levels
  • Fast treatment sessions – as little as 20 minutes for small areas
  • Reduced recovery time due to controlled heating
  • Low-risk treatment compared to more invasive options
  • Highly versatile; able to address numerous concerns
  • No cutting or piercing the skin
  • Long-lasting results with minimal downtime


Subnovii Plasma Pen is FDA-cleared for a wide range of skin concerns. It is often the go-to alternative to a traditional facelift, providing dramatic results without invasive surgery. Because it affects the skin at the molecular level to resurface and refresh your appearance, it can even address deep lines or wrinkles that are otherwise difficult to treat. Some of the cosmetic issues that this revolutionary device is used for include:

  • Smile or laugh lines
  • Lines around the mouth
  • Marionette lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Bags beneath the eyes
  • Sagging upper eyelids
  • Forehead lines
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Necklines
  • Jowls
  • Turkey neck
  • Décolleté wrinkles
  • Stretch marks
  • Age spots
  • Sunspots
  • Acne scars
  • Facial scarring

If you have these or other concerns, then Subnovii Plasma Pen can likely help you reclaim a fresh and youthful appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Ting will examine your skin to develop a personalized Subnovii treatment plan. Depending on your needs, this might entail a single appointment to address a specific problem area, or he may recommend a series of treatments for more comprehensive rejuvenation of the face, neck or chest.


Subnovii Plasma Pen is an exceptional treatment for men and women who are frustrated with specific cosmetic concerns related to their skin. Subnovii can be performed on most skin tones and types. However, patients with darker skin tones or a history of melasma may not be good candidates for this treatment because it can potentially result in pigmentation issues. 

Patients experiencing severe skin conditions, active acne, psoriasis, or open wounds will also be advised against the Subnovii Plasma Pen treatment. Dr. William Ting of California Dermatology Care will review your cosmetic concerns and your skin’s quality to ensure you are an appropriate candidate during an initial consultation. If Subnovii isn’t right for you, alternative treatments may be available to help you reach your aesthetic goals.


Subnovii Plasma Pen treatments are performed in-office and can be completed in under an hour, but this may vary depending on the size, location and severity of your skin concerns. Smaller areas, like the eyes or lips, can be treated in 20 to 30 minutes, while larger areas such as the cheeks, neck or forehead often require a longer appointment time.

Your procedure will begin with the application of a numbing cream to minimize any discomfort you may experience. While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, most patients find this treatment to be tolerable even in sensitive areas, feeling only a small shock at most. Subnovii’s unique low-frequency delivery gives your provider more control and precision than similar devices, allowing for a more comfortable treatment.

Once the topical anesthetic has taken effect, your provider will use the Subnovii pen to release low-frequency energy that interacts with the air above the skin, ionizing the nitrogen and oxygen particles to produce plasma. Without making direct contact, the device will be held a millimeter above the targeted areas and moved across your face or neck, sending arcs of plasma energy into the upper layers of your skin. This will start to build collagen and provide an immediate tightening effect that you can feel.

As the plasma energy penetrates your skin, tiny dots or channels are created that trigger a healing response in the fibroblasts and deeper dermal issues. After your appointment, these micro-injuries will scab over and serve as a natural protective barrier to the activity taking place below the surface. Your Subnovii Plasma Pen treatment will conclude with a cleanse, and you will be sent home with a Subnovii Experience Kit, an aftercare package containing specially formulated products that promote the health and vitality of your skin.


Recovery after a Subnovii Plasma Pen treatment takes approximately one week. As the skin heals, you might experience some redness or warmth in treated areas, similar to a mild sunburn, but this is normal and should quickly subside. The small dots that form in the skin will begin to fade and become less noticeable after a day or two, while the scabs will start to fall off within five to 10 days, revealing new skin that looks and feels tighter. While plasma pen treatments are relatively low-risk with few side effects, you’ll be given detailed aftercare instructions and the Subnovii Experience Kit to improve your recovery.

You’ll notice a significant difference in the tone, texture and firmness of your skin after your appointment, but further improvements will develop in the following weeks. Your final results should be visible within the next three to six months. Subnovii Plasma Pen is a treatment that stimulates collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production to rejuvenate your appearance, and this process takes time. As these components are produced in more significant quantities, your skin will continue to become tighter and firmer.

Subnovii Plasma Pen results last approximately one to three years. Follow-up treatments can be performed to maintain a smooth, youthful appearance.


The Subnovii Plasma Pen treatment is an excellent way to revive your skin from the forces that take a gradual toll on it. Your skin’s quality will naturally decline due to a variety of factors, and while it may feel as though you need to settle for an aged appearance, this is not true. If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, near Hercules, Berkeley and the surrounding areas, or further southeast in San Ramon, Pleasanton or Livermore, California, Dr. William Ting can help rejuvenate your skin with advanced treatments like the Subnovii Plasma Pen.

To learn more about Subnovii’s revolutionary plasma pen treatment or other skin care solutions, please schedule a consultation at California Dermatology Care by calling us at 925-328-0255 or visiting our contact page today. 



Subnovii Plasma Pen doesn’t cut or pierce the skin to improve the signs of aging. In fact, the device itself never makes direct contact with your skin. That means no incisions, scarring or stitches after your treatment. While Subnovii does create micro-injuries in the skin to jumpstart the healing process, these wounds are sealed and don’t leave a permanent mark. 


Subnovii is safe for most skin tones and types, but patients with darker skin or a history of melasma or scarring may be at a higher risk of experiencing pigmentation issues. During your consultation, Dr. Ting can help you decide if plasma pen treatments are right for you.


Subnovii treatments are well-tolerated by most patients. To ensure a comfortable experience, a topical anesthetic or numbing cream is applied prior to treatment to eliminate any pain. Some areas, like the eyes or neck, may be more sensitive than others, but you’ll likely only feel a slight shock or tingling sensation as the device directs plasma energy into your skin.


Yes, Subnovii can be combined with other rejuvenation treatments to enhance or prolong your results. Depending on your concerns, your provider may recommend combining your plasma pen treatment with radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening, microneedling or laser resurfacing.


Many patients can achieve their desired cosmetic results after just one Subnovii treatment. If you have other concerns or more advanced signs of aging, you can schedule additional sessions for more dramatic improvements. Dr. Ting can develop a personalized treatment plan during your consultation to help you reach your aesthetic goals.


The Subnovii Plasma Pen is often recommended as a safe, effective and non-surgical alternative to more invasive procedures, including eye lifts or facelifts. Plasma pen treatments have revolutionized the ways in which people can address hooded, sagging or aging eyelids, tightening the skin above or below the eyes for dramatic results.