SPECTRA LASER by Lutronic for Pore Size Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation
While Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing may be the gold standard for overall facial rejuvenation, not everyone is willing to undergo a week long downtime. Dr. William Ting recommends consideration of nonablative Nd:Yag laser rejuvenation to achieve cutaneous collagen production, incremental pore size reduction, skin texture and skin tone improvement over a series of treatments. Dr. Ting has the experience and expertise to utilize Spectra Laser Peel (Q-switched Nd:Yag laser) and/or Cutera GenesisPlus (mid-range Nd:Yag laser) to optimize laser rejuventation with minimal risk and discomfort without any downtime that is safe for ALL skin types.

Spectra Q-switched Nd:Yag Laser utilizes a proprietary carbon lotion which is applied 20-25 minutes prior to laser treatment to bring about photoacoustic and photomechanical effects on the skin to bring about exfoliation of upper layer of skin (approximately 20-70 microns), unclogging the pores, and stimulation of skin collagen production. First, as microfine carbon particles get applied on the skin, they penetrate pores. The subsequent energy from Q-switched 1064nm Nd:Yag laser explode carbon particles causing inner walls of the pores to shrink. Furthermore, skin rejuvenation is achieved via skin dermal remodelling effect resulting from collagen regeneration and increase in skin elasticity. Lastly, the skin tone becomes more even and skin pigmentation reduces as pigment deposits accumulated on the skin get scattered and broken into smaller pieces which eventually get absorbed by scavenger cells such as macrophages.
Spectra Laser Brochure on Pore Size Reduction and Rejuvenation
GenesisPlus by Cutera for Redness and Pigment Reduction, Pore size Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation
Cutera GenesisPlus is the next-generation mid-range Nd:Yag laser that effectively reduces redness, pigment, and pore sizes. See results for GenesisPlus. Moreover, skin dermal remodelling is achieved via stimulation of collagen production and skin elasticity resulting in reduction of fine lines and evening out skin tone.
*Patient education matters to us. The information on this page has been reviewed by the board-certified dermatologists of California Dermatology Care. If you have any questions about our procedures or treatments, please get in touch with us today.